:: About Falun Dafa Practice ::



W elcome to FalunPilipinas.net, a Web Site designed and hosted entirely by Falun Dafa practitioners. We hope that you will find this Web Site a good place to start learning about the practice of Falun Dafa. All of the content in this site – excepting the founder's writings – represents the ideas and opinions of Falun Dafa practitioners, and should not be taken as representative of Falun Dafa itself. We merely hope to introduce this wonderful practice to you, and we hope you will take some time to explore it for yourself!

Falun Dafa is a practice that has brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world. We call it a cultivation practice: "cultivation" refers to the improvement of one's heart and mind through the careful study of universal principles based on truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance; "practice" means doing exercises and meditation to energize the body.

Learning Falun Dafa is easy. The practice is simple, powerful, and absolutely free. The main principles of Falun Dafa are explained in their entirety in the book Zhuan Falun, and in the beginner's text, Falun Gong, both written by Falun Dafa's founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. Also essential to the practice are the five gentle exercises, including a seated meditation, which you can learn quickly and easily at any of the thousands of practice locations around the world.

For a more detailed description of the practice, and answers to common questions, click here.

Getting started
We invite you to discover the extraordinary practice of Falun Dafa. You can start by learning the exercises at your local practice site, and start learning the principles by reading one of the books from this Web Site, or pick one up at your local book store.

Start with the links above, right. If you have questions, or are having trouble locating a volunteer near you, just call 1-877-FALUN-99 (toll free), and we'll help you get started. For more ideas about how to begin practicing, click here.

Again, welcome to this Web site – and welcome to any of our exercise practice sites, wherever you may be!


Experiences in Falun Dafa


Zhuan Falun

on Health

more ...



Falun Dafa Important Links:


Mr. Li Hongzhi

(Founder of Falun Dafa)



What is Falun Dafa?  l  Exercises  l  Books  l  How to Learn  l  Practice Sites